Harmonie Sleek Ionic gel

After Sun Body Moisturizer

Skin Care


This Body Moisturizer will be great for your after-sun treatment. It spreads delightfully easily with a smooth and silky touch thanks to Silsoft EAU microgel. The after-feel is also very unique, thanks to Harmonie Sleek Ionic gel the skin feels moisturized, nourished and pampered.


  1. Combine ingredients of part A and heat up to 70 °C.
  2. Combine all ingredients of phase B and heat up to 70 °C.Silsoft EAU (B1) should be added to B before emulsification. Mix well.
  3. Add phase B to A and homogenize during 1-2 min (Ultra-Turrax 9500 rpm). Start cooling while mixing.
  4. In a separate beaker prepare the premix of Harmonie Sleek Ionic gel and Harmonie Soft fluid (homogenization required), then add Harmonie GB-2301 blend and mix well.
  5. Add the premix C to AB at 60 °C and homogenize until smooth cream-gel.
  6. Add ingredients of phase D at 40 °Cone by one while mixing. Homogenize gently in the end if needed.


Nature-Powered Beauty Innovations

The hub for natural ingredient formulations, insights, and trends in beauty and personal care.


In-cosmetics 2024

When science and nature work together, you find HARMONIE. Visit Momentive’s booth #1K40 at the in-cosmetics 2024 show in Paris, France, from April 16th to 18th to experience HARMONIE by Momentive.

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